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Join for a fast and focused 10-day program that is proven to reset your eating habits and jump start your metabolic health!

How does it work?

It starts with a 5 -day clean eating plan (paleo or vegetarian) to re-calibrate portion size and food cravings.  Followed up by ProLon FMD 5-day fasting mimicking diet kit that includes 5 days worth of convenient, delicious, plant-based foods. 

The benefits of this scientifically tested approach are:

  • Lose body fat while preserving lean body mass (muscle)

  • Activate the body's cellular clean up for cell based rejuvenation

  • Maintain metabolic balance

  • Control cravings

  • Group support along with individual coaching support that keeps you motivated

What's included?

  • 5 Day prep menu and shopping list

  • ProLon Professional FMD meal kit (all food included)

  • Video “how-to” and coaching sessions

  • Unlimited emails to nutrition coaches for the duration of the plan

  • Feeling healthier and empowered

If it doesn't challenge you, it won't change you!  Let’s do this!

Total Cost (includes Prolon meal kit)

Cost: $295


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